Pot Dimensions

Most plants are grown in a “standard” sized grow pot for use in the indoor plant hire industry.

If you are designing your own planter boxes and features, please use the following as a guide so that the plants can be used in your design without modification. Sometimes inadequately sized pots must be used to accommodate the designs we encounter. This unnecessary re-potting of a plant disturbs the roots of new plants and can result in the plant not surviving. 

Additionally, it is not easy to replace the plant when the need arises as a specialty sized pot must be sourced each time. Grow pots are selected to best suit the species and size of the plant, keeping the plant in this pot assists in the healthiest and best looking plant.

Click here for a printable version – Nursery Pot Dimensions

Plant SizeSize of the pot the plant is grown in (typically called the grow pot)
Cutout HoleDiameter hole required to fit the nursery pot so that it is suspended by the lip of the nursery grow pot
Pot HeightClearance height of the nursery pot measured from below suspension lip
ReservoirClearance required for adequate water reservoir
Total HeightTotal height required to house the plant, measured from top of plant suspension board to base of the planter box
Planter WidthMinimum width of the planter box to house the sized plant

Decorative Toppings

If a decorative finish is being used (ie pebbles), allow a minimum 25mm up to 50mm rebate to hold the pebbles.